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AE Learning Blog Team
1 min read
The War Between The Ottoman Empire and The Funj Sultanate
The Funj Sultanate which was also known as the Sultanate of Sennar was established in 1504 AD in the region of modern-day Sudan, northwester

AE Learning Blog Team
1 min read
The war between the Nubian Empire and Rome (Part 2)
Under the leadership of the Nubian Queen Amanishakheto the Nubians attacked the Romans in Aswan and then led her army to Thebes

AE Learning Blog Team
2 min read
The war between the Nubian Empire and Rome (Part 1)
By 40 BC the Nubians had established an impressive standing military force equipt with some of the best archers in the world at that time.

AE Learning Blog Team
2 min read
The Moors and the Conquest of Spain (Part 2)
Subsequent to the conquest of Spain by the Moors. The uneven distribution of fertile land and the fact that Africans had been the majority

AE Learning Blog Team
1 min read
The Moors and the Conquest of Spain (Part 1)
In 711 AD, an African Berber named Tariq Ibn Ziyad who was the governor of the north-western state of Mauritania led an army of 7000 African

AE Learning Blog Team
2 min read
The Second Battle of Dongola
In 652 AD, due to a breach of the peace treaty war erupted again between the two kingdoms. The Arabs were led by Abdallah Ibn Sa’d

AE Learning Blog Team
1 min read
The First Battle of Dongola
By 642 AD Islam had spread throughout the Middle-East and a Muslim nation known as the Rashidun Caliphate had been established

AE Learning Blog Team
2 min read
The Battle of Kirina
The Battle of Kirina was a war which took place between military forces of King Sundiata and his Mandinka troops of the Mali Empire and thei

AE Learning Blog Team
1 min read
The Third Punic War and The Decline of Carthage
During the second Punic War Rome had been assisted by members of the Kingdom of Numidia (in modern-day eastern Algeria) who sided with...

AE Learning Blog Team
2 min read
The Second Punic War (The Hannibalic War)
The Second Punic War began in 219 BC when Hannibal seized control of Sagnutum which was a city in eastern Spain.

AE Learning Blog Team
1 min read
The First Punic War
In time because of the competitive nature of trade within the Mediterranean which included the Carthaginians, the Greeks and Rome,...
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