Under the leadership of the Nubian Queen Amanishakheto the Nubians attacked the Romans in Aswan and then led her army to Thebes and defeated the Roman Army. Once they defeated the Romans the Nubians enslaved the Romans and destroyed the statues of Caesar. The Nubians buried a statue under the floor of a temple at Meroe. In the belief system of the Nubians they believed that by stepping over a representation of their enemy the power of their enemy the Romans would be further weakened and destroyed. Queen Amanishakheto is often depicted on Nubian murals as being covered with jewels and carrying weapons in her hands.

Queen Amanishakheto was succeeded by Queen Amanitore who was her daughter and she ruled from 1AD and had her royal palace at Gebel Barkal. This queen was known for rebuilding several temples in Wad ban Naqa located 80 kilometers from Napata and Meroe itself. The palace of Queen Amanishakheto located at Wad ban Naqa had 40 rooms and was decorated with gold. At the location of her palace another 12 pyramids were constructed. Queen Amanishakheto was eventually buried in her own pyramid in Meroe. In 1834 AD, the Italian treasure hunter Giuseppe Ferlini destroyed 40 Nubian pyramids and stole the numerous ancient African artifacts and treasures. By 320 AD the now powerful Ethiopian Empire to the south-east lead by King Ezana had invaded Nubia and sacked Meroe and this event contributed to the eventual decline of the Nubian Empire.